Saturday, March 22, 2014


I enjoy thinking of the legacy of God fearing men like Shawn Kuykendall and Jordan Lewis, who both lost their battles to cancer this month. I like to think of the decimating impact they left on the enemy on their way out. As they went they laid a faith-filled, righteous beat down on the enemy, refusing to let him steal their joy or distract them from the truth. Jesus is enough.

Shawn knew this, "Cancer won't beat me because it can't take away my hope and joy in the salvation that Christ provides me."

See, it's not about us. It's never been about us, it will never BE about us. It's always been about Jesus.

I want my home-going to leave scorch marks on the enemy, like Shawn and Jordan did. Hundreds of thousands heard the name of Jesus proclaimed as the source of strength, hope and salvation. In the depth of worldly crisis and pain, a singular focus remained on Christ and the hope that lies therein.

Jesus wins.

Hundreds of thousands will know the name of Jesus because of these warriors, these heroes, these sons and friends. Hundreds of thousands.

Each day I wish to live like they did, so that when I go the name of Jesus is heard all over the city.
Each day I want the enemy to live in fear of me and my God, that if I remain untouched on this earth then my impact reaches thousands. And when I die, the legacy of Christ in me reaches hundreds of thousands.

The enemy has not won. In fact, he cannot. Jesus already has.

Paul said it first in Philippians, "to live is Christ, to die is gain." Shawn said it too, "Live or die, I win."

No guilt in life, no fear in death...THIS is the power of Christ in me.

Now, go.